Dear Abby,
I am having such a bad time lately, as my memory is not as good as it used to be. If I remember right, I used to have such good memory. But not any more.
I hate to admit it but I had forgotten that it was my wife's birthday yesterday. I was at my girlfriend's house all day and night and when I got home this morning my wife was livid. "Had you forgotten that it was my birthday yesterday," she yelled. I felt so small.
Oh, and last week I was supposed to go take the memory test for a job with the postal service. Guess what? I had forgotten about it. There's another test scheduled next week. Do you think I should jot it down on my calender?
Signed, Forgetful Fred
Dear Forgetful
As Tony Soprano would say, "Forget about it."
Sincerely, Dan (The Man) Landers